first year students

Welcome first year students to the RUW family. 

This website has been created just for you, to help you and support you during this semester.




Message from the President

Dear First Year Students,

Welcome to the RUW family!  You are now part of an amazing university which will be your home away from home for the next 4 years.  The situation with COVID-19 will make this year a very different first year for you.  Due to this situation, you will start studying at the comfort of your home 100% online for the first seven weeks of the semester.  Even though you are  not coming to the campus at the moment, I want you to know that we are here to help you and give you all the support you need.  This website has been designed with you in mind and with the goal of providing you as much support and information as you need.  You will find contact information for individuals in your College who can help you as well as contact information for an individual in my office who can help you.  Do not hesitate to call these people, if you need help.  In addition, I will hold an online meeting for all first year students every two weeks and you will find the dates and times of these meetings on this website.  Please do not hesitate to let me know of any challenges you are facing or situations you need help with. Together we will support each other and you will have a successful first semester.   Always remember that you are now part of the RUW family and we will always be here to help you.  I wish you all the best for a successful first semester!


،طالبات السنة الأولى العزيزات 

أهلاّ بكن في أسرة الجامعة الملكية للبنات! أنتن الآن جزء من جامعة رائعة ستكون بمثابة بيتكن الثاني في الأربع السنوات المقبلة. جائحة كورونا كوفيد – 19 ستجعل هذه السنة مختلفة بالنسبة لكٌن. ستبدأن بدراسة الفصل  الدراسي الأول عن بعد - عبر الإنترنت - في الأسابيع السبعة الأولى، وأريدكن أن تعلمن بأننا هنا من أجلكن للمساعدة وتقديم كافة الدعم الذي قد تحتجنه. لقد تم إنشاء هذه الصفحة من أجلكن وبهدف تزويدكن بالمعلومات والمساندة المطلوبة 

ستجدن في أسفل الصفحة معلومات الإتصال بأفراد ممثلين عن كل كلية بالإضافة إلى معلومات الإتصال لممثل عن مكتبي، والذين بإمكانهم مساعدتكن. لا تترددن في الإتصال بهؤلاء الاشخاص إذا إحتجتن لأي مساعدة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، سوف أقوم بعقد إجتماعات مرئية – عبر الإنترنت – لكل طالبات السنة الأولى، بواقع مره كل إسبوعين، وستجدن تواريخ هذه الإجتماعات وأوقاتها في هذه الصفحة.

.لا تترددن في إبلاغي بأي تحديات قد تواجهنها، أو مواقف قد تتطلب المساعدة. سندعم بعضنا البعض، ومعاً سنجعل هذا الفصل الدراسي ناجحاً لكُن بكل المقاييس.

! دائماً تذكّرن أنكن الآن جزء من أسرة الجامعة الملكية للبنات، وسنكون دوماً هنا لأجلكن. أتمنى لكُن كل التوفيق لأجل فصل دراسي أول ناجح 



First Year Student Advocate

In addition to the individuals in your college who can help you, you can also contact Ms. Abeer Mohsen, who is a member of the President's Office and is the First Year Student Advocate: 

  • First Year Advocate 

Ms. Abeer Mohsen
Tel. +973 1776 4261

Point of contact in each College

Each College has appointed a faculty member who can help you with any questions relating to your programme, courses, or any other academic question you may have. Their contact information is listed below: 

  • College of Business & Financial Science

Dr. Debashish Sengupta
Tel. +973 1776 4474

  • College of Art and Design

Dr. Hadeel Regal
Mobile +973 

  • College of Law 

Dr. Pasquale Borea
Tel. +973 

  • Centre for General Studies

Ms.  Hager Amer
Tel. +973 1776 4407 / Mobile: +973 39027165

Contact information for College Student Representatives

If you want to know about our College from a student perspective, contact your College Student Representative. They are upper-class students who can give you many tips, advice, and what to do and not to do all from a student perspective! 

  • College of Business & Financial Science: Ms Fizza Zain Ul Abidin  
  • College of Art & Design: Ms Fatema Al Rahma 
  • College of Law: Ms Maryam Ghuloom

Activities organized by Office of Student Life  

Are you interested in Student Council, student clubsm organizations and social programmes for the students? Click here to view the list

Support Portal

Need help with Moodle? E-mail?, Self-Service?, Big Blue Button?, then click to contact the  Support Portal



Tips if you are new to online education


  Find a quiet place for your online class – not a coffee shop, not while driving your car etc., but a quiet place at home


  Use your laptop – not your mobile phone


  Setup your equipment so that you can easily take notes


 As with any class, make sure you prepare well


  Make sure you are muted


  Practice active listening.  It is easy to get distracted when listening to someone through your laptop – keep eyes on screen, nod, smile, react to your Professor, take notes, expand your vestural learning window to full size so that you are not distracted by other apps, e-mail, web etc.


  Do not be afraid to participate!  Make sure you know how to ask a question, make a comment


 Use the chat feature to ask questions of your Professor

Click here for Academic Advising at RUW


Meet RUW President

Sign in to your RUW email and click on one of the following dates to book a meeting. 

Sep. 22nd, 2020 - Oct. 6th, 2020 - Oct. 20th, 2020 

Or call 1776 4437 to book a meeting.