What is bigbluebutton?
BigBlueButton (BBB) is a web conferencing system accessed through Moodle LMS. It provides real-time video, audio, chat, slides, live whiteboard and sessions recording. More detail about BBB can be found here.
Recommended Browser
Desktop or Laptop with Chrome, Firefox or Edge (latest versions)
Recommended Hardware
You need a laptop or desktop computer with 4G (ninimum) of memory and a 2+ Ghz processor, or any Chromebook with 4G of memory and a 1.5+ Ghz processor. For audio, it's recommended to use a headset. A headset will ensure that others can hear your voice clearly and avoid hearning echo or background noise from other users. Any basic headset with a built-in microphone will work.
Recommended Bandwidth
You need to have at least 1.0 Mbits/second upstream and 2 Mbits/second downstream. To check bandwidth you can test it on Speedtest.
Test BigBlueButton
You can test BigBlueButton on your device by visiting BBB test page. Make sure to join through Mic, otherwise you will not be able to test your mic. If you are prompted to allow access to your mic, click allow.
Video Tutorial
Need help with BigBlueButton?
Phone: 1776 4400