MBA Programme (College of Business & Financial Sciences)
RUW MBA offers a dynamic learning environment through case method courses, tech simulations, problem-based learning and more. The RUW MBA shall cover a period of 1.5 years, divided into 3 semesters. To be awarded the MBA, students will have to successfully complete the 36 credit hours. The MBA curriculum covers contemporary issues in business such as the impacts of COVID-19 on the Global Marketing and Financial Markets, Blockchain, Fintech, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Marketing, and Digital Nomadism.
The MBA programme consists of core courses, track courses and Thesis all of which are mandatory and spread over three semesters. The total credit requirements of 36 credit hours are detailed as follows:
· Core Courses / MBA-code: 21 credit hours
· Track Courses / MBF & MME-code: 9 credit hours
· Thesis / MBF & MME-code: 6 credit hours
After the completion of 15 credits of the core courses, students can proceed to one of the two offered tracks, i.e. banking and finance, and marketing and entrepreneurship. After successfully completing the core and track courses, a student proceeds to the thesis stage. The topic of the thesis must be relevant to the track of the student.